Let me start this by saying two things. First, I cannot stand the Broncos but I am a fan of Tim Tebow and I find myself rooting for him week after week. Second, I am a self admitted Agnostic, I respect all faiths and the one thing I am not a fan of is when people condemn others based on arbitrary limited religious knowledge. OK now we can get started…
Let’s begin by saying and acknowledging that Tim Tebow is a freak athlete, arguably one of the best running backs in the league, and an utter anomaly who happens to play the most difficult position in all of football. He has moxy and I respect his ability to be “Jordanesque” in the fourth quarter. However, I do not think this ability is some form of Divine Intervention simply because Mr. Tebow is unabashed about his faith. As I said above, I can’t imagine God really cares about football. But… I am an avid fantasy football player and it is ridiculously addicting, so maybe She does have a team; no never mind. All joking aside, I find it very opportunistic to use Tebow’s success and mini winning streak to promote a Christian agenda. Plus, this streak has more to do with Denver’s defense playing lights out than anything. I mean, watching most Denver games encompasses watching 3+ quarters of absolutely horrible offensive ‘Wing-T’ football.
I respect that Tebow prays on the sidelines and gives thanks. Knowing what little I do about Tebow, I would assume that what he is doing is simply saying “thanks”. I can’t imagine he asks God for a 'win', he seems far too nice and smart a dude to do that. Speaking of nice dudes; this also just in, Mr. Tebow is not the only good dude in the NFL. He is a poster boy (and a pretty good looking one at that, so say all my female coworkers) for athletes who act like decent human beings. We need this with our current crop of athletes who garner far too much attention. Yet, his faith is used by media and other outlets, like many other issues, to divide people and pimp out some sort of agenda. We should simply enjoy seeing him succeed, or not succeed if you're not a fan, on the field regardless of his religious beliefs.
Good for you Tim Tebow and Bronco fans. I am enjoying this just as much as any other NFL fan. The NFL truly is the best soap opera on TV.
P.S. I think Tebowing is a pretty awesome Internet phenomenon.